THE AIM ATTITUDE: Bringing Hearts Back To A Positive, Focused Life.

April 4, 2017- AIM Attitude, is a full-service, all-encompassing positive lifestyle brand designed to form a supportive community passionate about encouraging positivity, strength, and perseverance despite all odds. It continues to transform hearts in the direction of a positive, focused life today.

Centered on never giving up, always moving forward, and staying focused regardless of the adversity and negative roadblocks, the AIM Attitude was developed to help everyone realize it’s not about what each of us has, it’s about what we need to do with what we have to achieve our goals.

“The AIM Attitude is about more than just a positive lifestyle, it’s about creating and keeping a positive mindset by always looking forward, keeping our heads up, and believing in ourselves every single day,” said Anita Miklovic, Founder and Owner of the AIM Attitude. “Our attitudes are incredibly powerful, and when we choose to AIM them in the right direction, they become the source of all the incredible and energetic change we witness in our lives.”

Determined to show everyone we are all the keeper’s of our heart’s content and motivation, the AIM Attitude starts by challenging all community members to create a path, envision a plan, and execute by using positive actions and emotions to reach the endpoint. Aware that unforeseen obstacles and roadblocks lead every plan of action astray, AIM is here to remind everyone to hold onto the faith, and “run on” faith when the going gets tough, believe in what you feel and don’t give up.

“Nobody said it is going to be easy, and we understand that better than anyone here at AIM attitude,” change is never easy, said Anita Miklovic.” That’s why we encourage you to LISTEN and follow YOUR heart because only YOU know your heart’s calling, and ONLY truth can pull you through and set YOU free. Free from negative emotions that can create a negative state of mind, free from fear that creates and builds anger, guilt, self-pity, disappointments, low self-esteem, rage that carries all the heavy emotions that can pull you into becoming a negative depressed person.
We have carved out AIM attitude path to bring your truth and passion to the surface. Life is not about color, sexual orientation, and religion, it is about how we interact with each other and the respect we give one another. Let’s bring much-needed LOVE into the world and propel it forward!”

LOVE leads the way. – AIM ATTITUDE