AIM Attitude Launches to Promote a Message of Positivity

AIM Attitude Launches to Promote a Message of Positivity
New York, NY – March 13, 2017 – Anita Miklovicova, CEO and founder of AIM Attitude. AIM Attitude is an educational lifestyle brand that focuses on a positive attitude and how it can inspire and affect every aspect of an individual’s life. The organization’s efforts were lauded by former U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama.

“It’s not about what you see, it’s about what you feel,” said Miklovicova.

The founder of AIM Attitude is particularly well placed to spearhead the movement. During her extensive world travels, Miklovicova saw first-hand the methods being used to control people and keep them uninformed. AIM Attitude was founded to inspire and promote the benefits of positive actions and attitudes through example and education.

One of the ways that AIM Attitude accomplishes those goals is through the sale of T-shirts and caps with the organization’s logo. Garments are offered for men, women, and children in multiple styles. The logo symbolizes walking away from negativity, while the black and white coloring stands for negative and positive energy.

Words and actions have the ability to dramatically affect others. A positive action or word of encouragement can affect the course of an individual’s life in a myriad of ways. When that message is carried forward it can be used to inspire, empower and educate others.

Too many people give up their dreams, hide their true feelings, and allow others to control them through negative words, actions, and emotions. Individuals feel they’re different or don’t fit in and AIM Attitude seeks to change that through education and disseminating a message of positivity to inspire and empower.

AIM Attitude wants to make people feel and understand that they are welcome in the world and encourage them to dream big. Everyone needs to learn, create and give back in order for the world to move forward. Each individual has a gift that can be utilized to enrich their life and the world at large.

The launch of AIM Attitude provides individuals around the world with an opportunity to support a message of hope and inclusivity for everyone. Everyone faces challenges throughout their lifetime and how they face those trials can be a defining moment. AIM Attitude works to promote a positive message across all races, religions and sexual orientation to educate, inspire and empower.

About AIM Attitude

AIM Attitude is an educational lifestyle brand with a message of positivity. The organization believes there is strength in an “I” attitude and respect is a key component of happiness and caring. AIM Attitude seeks to be a force for good that supports choosing positive actions, emotions, and attitudes over negative choices. AIM Attitude maintains an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google + and Instagram.