Anita Megami

Goddess of Impetus

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The protector of the believers

Abishek Mikhael

right Hand of Anita Megami



THE protector of the believers

I: The Spirit Guide

Father “Impetus” sends down one of his angel guards to Earth to give birth to a child in the mortal world. The child will grow up in the mortal world, so that she can become the spirit guide for humanity and help mankind rise.

Her Purpose: To Bring Faith Back Into Humanity

I, the Spirit Guide, appear when kids, teens, or adults have a desire, a dream, a passion, or even a doubt that speaks to their emotions. I, The Spirit Guide, always appear when the “dreamers” and the “believers” wish to talk to and seek help or guidance. I, The Spirit Guide, help individuals see the light and continue to believe, create, and build with purpose.

The Master Teacher

Anger, Rage, Desire, Stress, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Nervousness, Depression, Self-Doubt, Self-Pity, Sadness, Mood Swings, Guilt, Fear, Hope, Peace, Dreams, Passion, Love, Calmness, Happiness, Insecurities, Frustrations, Joy – 

Welcome To The World Of Impetus.

Spirit Guides
and Angel Guards
in the mortal world

Dreams are a universal part of human existence. Embracing your dreams and having faith in your dreams is essential to discovering your true self. By doing so, you pave the way for a life that aligns with your authentic identity.

To cultivate happiness and purpose, it’s crucial to learn the art of prioritization. Focus your energy on defining what you truly desire and understanding the underlying reasons behind your aspirations. This process will enable you to distance yourself from unnecessary distractions and impediments that hinder your progress toward your AIM.

Resist allowing obstacles to obstruct your path to living your truth. Persevere and harness your emotions as a driving force. Empower your mind to conquer negative thoughts, replacing them with positive emotions that propel you toward your objectives. By directing your thoughts towards constructive ends, you maintain a healthy state of mind, gaining mastery over your positive emotions and ultimately achieving your desired outcomes.

Traveling with the speed of light, bringing faith to every human being.

Bringing truth and love to awaken the soul and help mankind grow and move forward.

Bringing peace
And Showing ways
in which humanity can rise up.

Bringing faith back into peoples’ lives, teaching respect, discipline, and love.

Bringing revolutionary change, and unleashing people's passions and dreams.

Anita Megami's Superpowers

Anita Megami senses and feels others’ emotions. Travels with the speed of light. Knows and feels when emotions are going through changes and appears when someone is looking for guidance.

Numbs and paralyze the ones who hurt and abuse the positive emotions of others.

Anita’s powerful energy creates an armor around her, which protects her from any harm.


AIM Attitude WORLD
The Home to the Awakened Soul

Anita Megami is the spirit guide and Mikhael Abishek is the guardian angel of the spirits. Anita, who is the goddess of Impetus, helps mankind rise and move forward with the help of Mikhael; Anita’s Ardor Guard.

Every human being is given an AIM to create and become the I AM. Respect is mandatory to awaken emotions. When the emotions are going through changes I, the Spirit Guide, appear to help the emotions guide you to ensure that you keep moving forward and believe. When the respect is broken, the Angel Guards, take away the “abusers” to a facility called “The School of Life,” where they are given a second chance to re-AIM their direction. The facility is a place for them to learn and earn everything from the beginning on how to grow, heal, and create so that they go on to build with purpose.

Meet: Professor Coherente

Professor Coherente, Anita Megami’s dedicated assistant, holds a prominent role as the head of The School of Life, where he assists the lost souls. These lost souls are tasked with acquiring the language of growth and appreciation, a pivotal step in enabling them to comprehend and embrace the profound language of understanding their own emotions.

Bienvenido Al Mundo Del Ímpetus

We all have dreams, thoughts, and feelings that kindle the flames of our emotions, shaping our desires and aspirations. Yet, at times, we may find ourselves adrift, disconnected from our inner selves, and our emotions lose their sense of purpose. It is imperative that we cultivate the ability to embrace our emotions fully, for it is through this process that we awaken the profound understanding of our true selves, thereby igniting our AIM, our calling—answering the question of “Why We Are Here.”

Love, passion, expression, desire, light, and hope are vital components that nourish the soul, enabling the mind to function optimally, facilitating the free flow of emotions, and creating space for mental growth. The HEALERS, represent vital energies, and play a crucial role in nurturing the brain, enabling the mindset to function. As emotions are healed, the mind becomes more receptive to new information, allowing your inner truths to emerge and guiding us along our destined path. 

AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

AIM Forward

Our dictum ‘THE FORWARD ATTITUDE’ is a reminder to keep going, especially during taxing times. The AIM ATTITUDE educates mankind to always move forward regardless of present hardship. AIM philosophy encourages people to stay strong and carry on, no matter the obstacles. It encourages people to keep fighting through setbacks. It encourages people to do what they love and what they feel is right to get to their goal and be where they want to be. It encourages people to abstain and say no to what is bad for them or holds them back. AIM ATTITUDE and THE FORWARD ATTITUDE encourage people to do the right thing, to respect and accept oneself, and never be scared to take chances. It tells them to be who they are, loves whoever they want, does what they truly enjoy and to always give strength, love, joy, respect, and kindness to others.

AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

Take Control

Our mind is our stomach; it is what feeds the heart, and our food is our approach. We feed ourselves with words and our actions. When we don’t feed ourselves right, we have panic attacks, and that feeds our anger. We all have emotions; we can choose to hold onto anger and create a negative energy that drains us, or we can turn it around by letting go and choosing to be the better and the stronger person by moving forward. We have to learn to listen with our hearts and trust ourselves in order to become our true-self, by accepting what is good and letting go of what is not.
AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

Make a Difference

Developing and creating yourself is a growing process. Your body, mind, and emotions are constantly shifting. You have to let go of fear and the past and break bad habits. Teach yourself to create good habits that help you adapt to changes and challenges. When you want to be happy, you have to learn to better yourself and allow your heart to guide you. You can’t fear the unknown because the unknown holds the answers that are going to help you clear your confusion and help you become the person you want to be. Just care about yourself and face yourself with honesty. You simply have to care.
AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

Bring Positive Energy

We all have emotions and sometimes it can be overwhelming to face them. A positive mindset is a foundation of achieving success. To help restore the good energy in us to maintain growth, and to keep our mind strong and healthy, we have to learn to breathe. In order to let out the bad energy and clear our mind, we have to choose strength by turning anger into kindness. A positive state of mind helps us to connect to our true-self and mold our faith to become better. It draws in the light and heat to help us function correctly. Emotions consume a lot of energy; a positive attitude is a great source of strength. We burn our fuel by giving. A lack of respect can affect how efficiently our mind uses energy. Emitting anger and hate burn our energy three times faster and our recovery is slower. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to restore it. We can choose to take control of our negative emotions by turning them around and using the bad energy to create a good energy. A simple smile, kindness, love, honesty, respect, and responsibility dissolve pain and anger, supporting growth.
AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

Have Faith

Obstacles and challenges are always going to be there. Unless we start to face our challenges and take responsibility they are not going to go away. Responsibility brings on pressure and that pressure can be overwhelming and it can lead to panic and fear. This fear can make us start to feel sorry for ourselves or lead us to lie to others and ourselves. We have to learn to care and accept the truth and deal with the responsibility and fight to create the life and happiness that’s worth living.
AIMAttitude, The Guide Of Life

Our Symbol

Our trademark represents life, coming in different shades and colors. Just as in our lives, these colors/shades represent situations, feelings, and experiences that we all go through. The dark colors signify the bad, the light colors the good, and the white symbolizes the clarity that develops when we work hard, stand up for ourselves, and change bad circumstances into good ones. AIM teaches self-love and self-confidence, and how to adapt and adjust to challenges and changes, guiding us along the path of a healthy lifestyle for a strong and healthy mental and emotional well-being.
Aim Attitude Create Yourself
Listen to your heart beat, be honest with yourself and trust yourself. YES YOU CAN. Do not be afraid of who you are and what you FEEL. Build your life and your happiness by choosing LOVE and to AIM forward. Stay strong. GIVE more LOVE than doubt. FEEL the LOVE. The true work of ART lies in the HEART. Put your HEART to work.

AIM - To Learn AIM - To Love AIM - To Forgive AIM - To Let Go

Make a choice to love, to give love, and to care. It provides you with solutions. It allows you to grow, to gain, to heal and to develop endurance. When you face fears and obstacles, take a step back, breathe. Close your eyes and listen to your heart. Ask yourself: who am I? What makes me happy? Where do I see myself? How do I see myself? Start with the basic core. Draw strength from HONESTY, RESPECT, and KINDNESS. Choose to be honest with yourself. AIM respects character and courage. Choose yourself, choose strength. When a hardship hits you, just breathe, keep moving, and keep going forward. Let your positive AIM guide you. The AIM attitude guides you through the darkness when you feel helpless, alone and lost, regardless of the kind of obstacle you are facing. With your positive AIM, you are not alone. Choose to be the better, the stronger person moving forward. Do not be afraid to say no and walk away from what is bad for you. Choose strength. Be better, do better.

AIM Towards The Positive

It is how we separate what is good for us and what is not. Create your life. Keep moving forward even if it is only just baby steps. It takes time to get to where you want to be and patience, to build and to gain. Life starts with the choices and decisions you make. Respect, kindness, and honesty are at the core of a strong beginning. Where you aim and how you aim is where you land. Every single day you learn something, and that never stops. Life stops when YOU stop learning. Every day when you wake up, make a choice to have a good day. AIM forward and allow yourself to grow. Smile, be kind to yourself and to others. Allow yourself to live and be happy. Hold onto what helps you grow and let go of what is holding you back. Life comes with feelings of joy and pain, disappointments, satisfactions, and fears that we all experience. We all go through the same emotions. We all gain and we all lose. There is nothing wrong with life’s difficulties; when they come, choose to stay strong, take a step back and breathe. Do not ignore the truth. Know that ignorance is the most expensive choice, and pain is the heaviest weight to carry. Acknowledge the bad, and walk away. It only takes a second to make a mistake; and it can take a lifetime to make up for it. Always show respect. Always choose honesty, kindness, and respect; they light the way. Protect yourself by choosing strength, by choosing to be the better person, the stronger person.